Saturday, August 11, 2007

Yet Another Corrective For Bush's Big Lie

Only the dim witted and right-wing Republicans (whom are occasionally one and the same) believe that there was a pre-existing terrorist threat in Iraq and still buy into President Bush’s oft-told lie that the U.S. had to go to war because the varmints who were responsible for the 9/11 attacks were there.

Now come yet two more studies that yet again put the lie to the lie in showing that the vast majority of the 124 suicide bombers identified in Iraq since 2003 are not Iraqi. Saudi Arabians lead the pack with 53 self-immolators, while a mere 18 were Iraqi.

And here's something that the Bush administration can be especially proud of:

The number of suicide bombings in Iraq now exceed the worldwide total since the early 1980s.
Good work, gang!

More here.

Chart by McClatchey Newspapers


Charles Amico said...

Very good info Shaun. I had never seen the actual data before and you are doing a great public service by publishing it on your Blog. Bravo!

jj mollo said...

Good link. I guess it's not really surprising. The numbers from Italy and Kuwait are a little disheartening though.

US dollars found on bombers does not mean much IMO. One of the commenters seemed to be suggesting that the US was funding these guys. That's off the charts.