If the next president is a Democrat (and that is by no means a foregone conclusion) what if any investigations of Bush administration criminality and other misdeeds should be persued?
Or, should the Democratic president and Congress, in the spirit of a new era and an appeal to bipartisanship, wipe the slate clean?
The criminality and misdeeds include:
* The refusal of Alberto Gonzalez, Harriet Miers and other key adminstration officials to answer subpoenas in connection with the politically motivated firings of U.S. attorneys.
* The refusal to hand over to congressional investigators certain testimony from Vice President Cheney and other key administration officials in connection with the Wilson-Plame leak scandal.
* The official embrace of torture in contravention of the Constitution, treaties and conventions and common decency.
* The Abu Ghraib prison scandal.
* Pre-9/11 CIA and other intelligence failures.* The willful destruction of millions of White House emails sought by congressional investigators.
* Voter supression efforts directed by the Justice Department.
* A full accounting of the costs of the Iraq war.* No-bid contracts given Halliburton and other firms working in Iraq and Afghanistan with close administration ties.
* The consequences of the multiple Bush signing statements.
* Government and government-funded scientific research and studies skewed for political reasons.
* Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s legal conflicts of interest.
And the list goes on.
1 comment:
Illegally spying on US citizens.
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