Shock and awe . . . Toppled statue . . . Coalition of the willing . . . Judith Miller embeds . . . Mission Accomplished . . . Looting . . . No WMDs . . . Not enough troops . . . Home by Christmas . . . Stuff happens . . . Saddam captured . . . 486 . . . Liberators become occupiers . . . Abu Ghraib . . . Not enough body armor . . . Training ground for terrorists . . . Not enough troops . . . More stuff happens . . . Fallujah lost . . . 1,334 . . . Purple fingers . . . Fallujah retaken . . . The Decider . . . Not enough troops . . . Still more stuff happens . . . 2,180 . . . Civil war . . . Haditha . . . Not enough troops . . . Suicide bombings . . . Militias rule . . . Ethnic cleansing . . . Missing billions . . . Even more stuff happens . . . Morale never better . . . 3,001 . . . Big oil deal . . . Blackhawks down . . . Parliament without a quorum . . . Two million refugees . . . The surge . . . Stuff still happens . . . Corrupt cabinet ministers . . . Building 18 . . . Not enough troops . . . 3,195
Photograph by Ali Yussef/Agence France-Press
That is so depressing and yet one of the Bush supporters will find some way to say that things are getting better, that the Iraqi people are better off than they were four years ago and that the only reason there weren't any WMDs was because they were all moved to Iran.
Or some such nonsense.
Amazing summary...wow, four years! Incredibly sad...and where have we gotten? Wow.
Dammit, Mullen. You piss me off so completely I don't visit for weeks, then post something I can't help but comment on when I do.
I think if I ever had coffee with you we'd alternate laughing our butts off and taking swings at each other.
Very moving post. It reads like a thought-stream for the national consciousness.
Hi Spy:
Thank you for the kind words. I am very harmless in person despite being 6-foot-2 inches and having a menacing left hook. I suggest that we'd do a lot more laughing than swinging. Life is way too short.
Look me up if you go to the March on the Pentagon on Saturday. (Just kidding.)
Nice little summary:) That photo is of a suicide bomber who didn't make it to his target.
Iraqi Mojo:
Thank you.
Add "corrupt ministers" & "missing billions" to your list.
Eye Raki:
How could I have forgotten!
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