The Economy: People Are Going To Die

Let's be really clear about a consequence of the enormous stress that Americans are under because of the ongoing economic meltdown: People are going to die.
People are going to die because their cars run out of $5 per gallon gas on some godforsaken back road.
People are going to die because "compassionate conservatism" was a Republican focus-group talking point and not a way for the government to give a leg up to people in need.
People are going to die this summer because they can't afford to stay cool and this winter because they can't afford to stay warm.
People are going to die because the sweeping deregulation of Wall Street banks and other financial institutions has rewarded the powerful and rich at the expense of the middle class.
People are going to die because they are uninsured and won't seek out the medical treatment they need until it's too late.
People are going to die because they believe that sticking their head in a lit oven is preferable to trying to scrape by after their pension plan collapses.
People are going to die because stimulus checks go only so far in providing the recommended daily allowance of nutrients.
People are going to die because some nut who can't get his unemployment benefits extended shoots up a fast-food joint or shopping mall.
People are going to die because the U.S. dollar is an increasingly worthless piece of paper.
People are going to die because the president and his economic advisors are in deep denial.
People are going to die because there are no quick fixes, only difficult long-term solutions that will not check the current meltdown and take the kind of courage to enact that has been sorely lacking in slavishly pro-business, pro-deregulation and anti-consumer Washington.
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