Torture Trail: Bipartisanship Is Possible

If I had my druthers, a bipartisan commission in the mold of the 9/11 Commission would be the way to go in thoroughly investigating the Bush torture regime and ascertaining what action should be taken regarding the regime's key players.
As noted yesterday, President Obama is not about to do any such thing and I expect little to happen until when and if his overall policy agenda has moved forward.
Nevertheless, the 9/11 Commission is a reminder that bipartisanship is possible, especially when you consider that the Bush administration actively opposed its formation and was uncooperative at many turns.
Another reminder, as well: Few of the commission's 41 recommendations were put into effect. Different time, different administration and different issue, but that should not be forgotten.
* Dahlia Lithwick explains in terms even a Bush sycophant might understand why Abu Ghraib destroyed the capacity of many Americans to be shocked over torture.
* John McCain, the only member of Congress to have been tortured, says a mouthful when he compares Bush to Richard Nixon in the context of Gerald Ford's pardon of the disgraced president.
* A horrified but thoughtful Daniel Larison struggles to understand why the political right instinctively rushes to defend torture.
1 comment:
While I think that a bipartisan investigation may be possible what remains of the GOP will do everything they can to make it look partisan with the help of FAUX news.
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