Thursday, October 11, 2007

This Post Is Not About Michelle Malkin

It's nice to have a really smart if loooong winded bloggers like Glenn Greenwald who seems to spend his every waking hour settling scores and fixating on every jot and tittle written by people with whom he disagrees. That's because then bloggers like me don’t have to bother.
Glenn has had it in for Rich Lowry, that really influential and self-important National Review editor, since Christ was a corporal.

He reminds us here that Lowry has become an even bigger poltroon since he spent a few days in Iraq, soaked up the acquired wisdom of General Petraeus and other battlefield solons and is even more convinced than ever that WE'RE WINNING!!!


cognitorex said...

Iraqi Gestalt Government appears: Bushco uptick is frightening possibility

Iraqi leaders argue that sectarian animosity is entrenched in the structure of their government. Instead of reconciliation, they now stress alternative and perhaps more attainable goals: streamlining the government bureaucracy, placing experienced technocrats in positions of authority and improving the dismal record of providing basic services.

Humam Hamoudi, a prominent Shiite cleric and parliament member, said any future reconciliation would emerge naturally from an efficient, fair government, not through short-term political engineering among Sunnis and Shiites.

Such as it is, I interpret from the Iraqis, in the above discussions, that they in a gestalt manner have declared that a government exists.

Gestalt: -A physical or symbolic configuration, pattern, or organized field having specific properties that cannot be derived from the summation of its component parts; a unified whole.

If you can noodle through what gestalt means and apply a little logic here a consensus government now exists in Iraq.

One clarion hint is that all of the squabbling Iraqi interests have now pretty much agreed on the defining elements of the problem. Unity in defining the problem was a necessary milestone which is finally allowing prospective solutions from a 'government' to be aired or implemented. Lo that it took four years and all the dimwittery of Bushco but kicking five million Sunnis down the steps and considering strategies to invite them to return does take a while.

Does this gestalt of a government make a difference. I hate to tell you.

As the idea that a gestaltian Iraqi government has formed progresses from intellectual argument to recognizing that demonstrable progress toward Iraqi peace is inevitable the GOP and Bush favorables are going to go up.

Somebody, or everybody, in the Democrat camp had better plan on ideas, opinions and strategies that include winning in '08 with the situation in Iraq markedly improving.

(Co-opt the GOP, give credit to Murtha and the Democratic Party's relentless drive to bring the troops home if nothing else comes to mind.)

Ps: I've marched on the Pentagon, carried placards and demonstrated for gay unions and the formation of a U.S. Department of Peace so don't blame the messenger but... Iraq is exhibiting the formation of a "Iraq (non U.S.) government which more than likely will creep into electioneering. Sorry!

jurassicpork said...

Glenn Greenwald could put an electron to sleep but at least he knows what the fuck he's talking about, unlike Lowry.