Saturday, October 06, 2007

The Princes of Underrated Guitarists

Rolling Stone magazine reports that statistics show the average rock fan spends roughly 4.7 hours per year arguing over who's the greatest guitarist of all time, but finds that the most underrated guitarists ever are "most criminally left out of those discussions."
Well, justice finally has been done as that omission is redressed in a list of the top 25 underrated guitarists.


Anonymous said...

1- If Duane Allman was on top of the list in pulsating day glo letters, he would still be underrated.
2- These best of lists are more a tribute to the flacks who promoted the axman than to the pickers.
3- As David Byrne and Johnny ( or was it Timmy) Ramone indicated, a competent picker who plays well with others can make mighty sweet (baaaad)sounds.

Shaun Mullen said...

Agreed, and for the record Mr. Allman is my Number One.