Thursday, October 04, 2007

'If He's Crazy, What Does That Make You?'

One flew East, One flew West, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
I have no idea what . . . pardon the term, possessed the DF&C and I to watch The Cuckoo's Nest the other night for the first time since forever, but I must say that the 1975 Milos Forman flick not only has held up well, but seems in some respects like an apt metaphor for our times.

By way of refreshing your memory, these are the main characters:
Randle Patrick McMurphy (Jack Nicholson)
Nurse Ratched (Louise Fletcher)
Taber (Christopher Lloyd)
Martini (Danny DeVito)
Chief Bromden (Will Sampson)
Billy Bibbit (Brad Dourif)
With Washington, D.C. as a psychiatric ward, have a go at assigning these characters to real-life politicos, whether in Congress or the White House or wherever, and explain why if you're so inclined. All in good taste, of course.

Break a leg.

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