Tuesday, October 09, 2007

On Graeme Frost & Osama bin Laden


I was going to blog today about all of the dumpster diving that Michelle Malkin, Rush Limbaugh and Friends are doing over at 12-year-old Graeme Frost's house, but then I became distracted by something far less important:

You’re not gonna believe this, but the Bush administration appears to have trashed an extremely valuable intelligence asset for political propaganda purposes!

Back on September 7, when young Frost was merely just another kid anxious to get home from school and play video games and attention was focused on the forthcoming Petraeus-Crocker report on how the U.S. military was doing against the infidels in Iraq who launched the 9/11 attacks, the story broke that a bearded has-been by the name of Osama bin Laden, who claimed that it was he who directed the attacks, had made his first videotape in forever.

It seemed like the clips of the video made available to the MSM came not from the usual suspects like Al-Jazeera but from the U.S. government itself.

Well, they had, and as a result of the White House's pell-mell rush to make political hay, Al Qaeda's techies at a call center in Bangalore, or wherever the heck they work from, shut down AQ's entire Internet operation and eliminated the best spying window that we had into the terror network.

My buddy Will Bunch picks up the story from there.

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