Monday, October 01, 2007

Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish

The unintended consequences of the big wet lip-lock that party regulars gave the religious right-wing in inviting them to help tear down the Republican Big Tent a few years ago continue to reverberate.

At an emergency meeting in Salt Lake City over the weekend, religious right leaders met behind closed doors to try to resolve the crisis in their midst: None of the current GOP presidential wannabes are extreme enough for them.

Worst yet for these Bible thumpers, there is the prospect of pro-choice Rudy Giuliani getting the nod. In which case, according to a resolution they signed:”[W]e will consider running a third-party candidate."

Although I vote for more Republicans than Democrats because they typically offer a better slate of local and state candidates where I live, I share the right wingers' concern – although for completely different reasons – and it will be a cold day in hell before I vote for an ethically challenged, flip flopping, one trick pony like Giuliani.

This is an opportune time for true Republicans to send this crowd a message:

Good riddance to bad rubbish.
More here.

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