While it may not be the Crips and the Hoods, the looming street fight between polar and grizzly bears is shaping up to be bloody -- and one-sided.
A study published in Canadian Field Naturalist says that grizzlys have entered polarbear territory, setting the stage for deadly bear versus bear encounters.
"This is worrying for the polar bears because grizzly bears would likely hibernate in polar bear maternity denning habitat," explained Linda Gormezano, a co-author of the study. "They would come out of hibernation at the same time and can kill polar cubs."
Gormezano and her colleagues documented sightings of the bears in Canada's Wapusk National Park. The bears are moving into the Canadian province of Manitoba in regions traditionally thought of as polar bear habitat.
"Grizzly bears are a new guy on the scene, competition and a potential predator for the polar bears that live in this area," said Robert Rockwell, who also worked on the
study. He is a research associate at the American Museum of Natural History and a professor of biology at the City College of the City University of New York.
He recalled that "the first time we saw a grizzly we were flying over the middle of Wapusk, counting fox dens" when Gormezano "shouted, 'Over there, over there -- a grizzly bear.' And it wasn't a dirty polar bear or a moose -- we saw the hump."
Before 1996, there was no evidence that grizzly bears encroached on polar bear territory. From that year on, however, there have been at least 12 sightings, negating the prior theory that the barren landscape north of the Hudson Bay was impassable, in terms of resources, for migrating grizzly bears. But the flexible bears, which can
eat everything from meat to berries, have crossed the gap and likely won't look back much, since the polar bear region is known for its abundant caribou, moose, fish and berries.
"Although we don't yet know if they are wandering or staying—the proof will come from an observed den or cubs—these animals will eventually be residents of this national park," said Rockwell. "The Cree elders we talked to feel that now that grizzly bears have found this food source they will be staying."
The big question is how to deal with the newcomers since both grizzly and polar bears are listed as species of special concern.
Hat tip to DiscoveryNews