A Newspaper's Cowardice, A Smoking Gun & More (5/13/09) LINK.
Washington & The U.S. Enter Uncharted Territory As The Torture Regime Dam Breaks (4/23/09) LINK.
Obama & The Bush Torture Regime: Howcum That Smell Seems So Familiar? (4/9/08) LINK.The GOP Takes A Stand (1/24/09) LINK.
Heroes of 2008: Prosecutors & Lawyers Who Protested The Bush Torture Regime (12/3/08) LINK.
Should Obama Take The Easy Way Out On Bush Era Crimes? (11/19/08) LINK.
Why Were Psychologists Behind The Curve On Torture? (11/16/08) LINK.
Guantánamo Seems So Yesterday (11/7/08) LINK.
Opening A New Front In The War On Law (10/6/08) LINK.
Why John McCain Really Wasn't Tortured (9/8/08) LINK.
Guantánamo Trials: Castles Built Of Sand (8/18/08) LINK.
Should Torture Regime Architects Be Tried As War Criminals? (8/11/08) LINK.
Nuremberg Gravity, Guantánamo Folly (8/8/08) LINK.
David Addington: A Patriot Or Traitor? (7/25/08) LINK.
Mukasey Changes His Tune But the Song Remains the Same (7/22/08) LINK.
'The Dark Side,' Or How The War on Terror Became a War on American Ideals (7/15/08) LINK.
'What I Tell You Is Three Times True' (7/2/08) LINK.Obama & Those Bush Era Legal Skeletons (3/11/09) LINK.
The Willful Ignorance of Professor John Yoo (6/19/08) LINK.
Taking a Cue From the Bataan Death March (6/6/08) LINK.
Mukasey's Dangerously Disingenuous Defense (5/28/08) LINK.
U.S. Tortured Gitmo Detainees For Beijing (5/22/08) LINK.
Another Setback For the Torture Regime (5/14/08) LINK.
Welcome To Italy, Mr. Rumsfeld. You Are Hereby Under Arrest For War Crimes (4/25/08) LINK.
Following The Torture Trail: Were War Crimes Committed? (4/18/08) LINK.
Why We Should Go Slow on Prosecuting Bush & His Torture Helpmates (4/17/08) LINK.
'No Torture, No Exceptions' (3/15/08) LINK.
Yet Another Dark Day For America (3/8/08) LINK.
The Shame of Mukasey, Schumer, Feinstein, Scalia & McCain (2/15/08) LINK.
Why a Constitutional Showdown Is Necessary In the Torture Tapes Scandal (1/11/08) LINK.
Torture: The Day of Reckoning At Hand? (10/30/07) LINK.
So What's With All the Nazi Analogies? (10/16/07) LINK.
Would Jesus Have Tortured? (10/7/07) LINK.
Sic Semper Tyrannis: The Blackest of the Bush Administration's Black Marks (10/6/07) LINK.
Images by Matt Mahurin
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