Friday, February 06, 2009

The Bush Administration's Parting Gifts

Entire days go by when I don't think of George Bush, but his ill deeds keep intruding in the most expected ways.

Take the massive tainted peanut butter recall, a direct result of his hands-off Food and Drug Administration. The toll to date: Eight dead and 500-plus sickened.

Click here for the latest, which includes an allegation that the FDA waited to announce the recall until the criminals responsible for it had approved the recall wording. And here for a looong list of recalled products.

Meanwhile, another parting gift is the digital television switchover debacle, which Congress has mercifully put on ice until June until the mess can be sorted out.

While tainted FDA-approved peanut butter is an equal opportunity killer, the DTV debacle is somewhat more discriminating and primarily effects low-income, elderly, disabled, non-English speaking, minority and rural populations.

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