Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Month 45 of the War By the Numbers

Happy revelers at post-Saddam execution victory party in Baghdad
December 2006 was a month for the record books, but one statistic is not likely to make the evening news:
With the 3000th U.S. soldier dying on New Year's Eve, more Americans have now been killed in Iraq than in the 9/11 terror attacks.
1,751 --
Iraqis killed, including Saddam Hussein (*)
117 -- U.S. troops killed
0 -- Military funerals attended by President Bush

-- Iraqis killed
14,298 civilians, 1,348 police, 627 soldiers.)
871 -- U.S. troops killed
0 -- Military funerals attended by President Bush

3,003 -- Total killed to date

(Following statistics are through 12/02/06)
1,766 -- Killed in action
545 -- Died of wounds
7 -- Died while missing in action
2 -- Died while captured
374 -- Died in accidents
56 -- Died from illness
12 -- Died in homicides
93 -- died of self-inflicted wounds
7 -- Undetermined
26 -- Pending classification
22,057 -- Total wounded

(*) Includes Iraqi Army personnel, security forces, national police and civilians.

(**) Includes 14,298 civilians, 1,348 police and 627 soldiers.

Sources: Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, Defense Manpower Data Center, Iraqi Ministries of Health, Defense and Interior
)(Photograph by Qassem Zein/Agence France-Presse - Getty Images

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