DEAN: Uh, the reason I thought we ought to talk this morning is because in, in our conversations, uh, uh, I have, I have the impression that you don't know everything I knowPRESIDENT: That's right.
DEAN: . . . and it makes it very difficult for you to make judgments that, uh, that only you can make . . .
PRESIDENT: That's right.
DEAN: . . . on some of these things and I thought that--
PRESIDENT: You've got, in other words, I've got to know why you feel that, uh, that something . . .
DEAN: Well, let me . . .
PRESIDENT: . . . that, that we shouldn't unravel something.
DEAN: . . . let me give you my overall first.
PRESIDENT: In other words, you, your judgment as to where it stands, and where we go now---
DEAN: I think, I think that, uh, there's no doubt about the seriousness of the problem we're, we've got. We have a cancer -- within, close to the Presidency, that's growing. It's growing daily. It's compounding, it grows geometrically now because it compounds itself. Uh, that'll be clear as I explain you know, some of the details, uh, of why it is, and it basically is because (1) we're being blackmailed; (2) uh, people are going to start perjuring themself very quickly that have not had to perjure themselves to protect other people and the like. And that is just--and there is no assurance--
PRESIDENT: That it won't bust.
DEAN: That, that won't bust.
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