Saturday, October 10, 2009

And While We're On The Subject

BooMan over at the Booman Tribune speculates about how the Nobel Prizes would look if the Scandihoovians were conservatives:
PHYSICS: Representative Joe Barton of Texas for raising skepticism about the theory of plate tectonics.

CHEMISTRY: Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma for reminding us that "God is still up there" and we don't need to worry about about CO2 and climate change.

ECONOMICS: Senator John McCain of Arizona for reminding us in September 2008 that the fundamentals of the economy are strong.

Sarah Palin for Going Rogue.

MEDICINE: Representative Steve King of Iowa for saying that the best vote he ever cast was against Hurricane Katrina relief.

PEACE: Ronald Reagan for arming the Islamic Revolutionary government of Iran, drug-dealing Central-American death squads, Apartheid South African mercenaries, and the forerunners of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.

Cartoon by Ted Rall/Universal Press Syndicate

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