Thursday, October 01, 2009

Right-Wing Lunatic Fringe Goes Viral

The sounds you hear are my mother and father spinning in their graves. They deeply loved America, were registered Democrats but voted for many Republicans, and as civil-rights activists believed in consensus building over protest, although they weren't averse to joining a march or demonstration.

This acorn has not rolled far from the mighty oak that my parents were, and as acclimated as I should be now to the blatherings from the Beck-Limbaugh-Palin
dittoheads, nearly every day brings another astonishing development that would have made my folks sick to their stomachs.

Such as a columnist at NewsMax advocating a military coup against President Obama. It matters not that the ravings of John L. Perry were pulled by his editors. That they were published in the first place is the clearest indication yet that the right-wing lunatic fringe has gone viral, and sadly spread their poison into what today passes for a Republican mainstream.

Isn't this the kind of stuff that happened in Israel before Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated?

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