Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me: Thankful 59 Times Over

Well, today's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to.

But I'm not, and will dwell a bit on some of the things for which I can be mightily and eternally thankful as I slouch ever closer to my sixth, er . . . seventh decade on this crazy planet.
(1.) The love and devotion of my DF&C (Dear Friend & Conscience), who is unrelentingly inspiring, much too patient with me and the best hugger in the universe.

(2.) The love of my family despite my longtime efforts to be a black sheep.

(3.) My dear departed mother and father, for giving me a sense of responsibility and fairness that has held me in good stead, particularly when it comes to keeping my mind open. (See also No. 7.)

(4.) My friends. Jean, Doris, Rochelle, Nick and Nan have departed this mortal coil in the recent past. Rather unbelievably, the 9th anniversary of Tom's passing approaches and it has been nearly a quarter century since Pattie and Shannon were taken from us. But I remain blessed with a wonderful circle of friends. Hang in there, folks!

(5.) Music.

(6.) Books.

(7.) Humility. I've been lots of places, met lots of people and done lots of things, all of which have imparted in me a humbleness that has grown over the years. (See also No. 3.)

(8.) The beach at sunrise, especially when dolphins are breakfasting just out beyond the surf. (That's a Pisces for you.)

(9.) Prednisone, which I take for my rheumatoid arthritis. Yes, I know that doing steroids is like making a deal with the Devil. They are, but the alternatives are far worse.

(10.) You. For taking an interest in my blog and therefore in me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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