Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Giving Something Back To The U.S.

The concept of national service is for me a no-brainer because it is a great way to give something back to the U.S. and even our erstwhile friends overseas while receiving valuable training and experience in return. I suppose the very fact that it makes such sense is why we haven't heard much about it during a presidency that has made as its centerpiece a war that has bankrupted the national treasury and for which it has asked no one to sacrifice.

The first and subsequent times I heard Barack Obama on the stump this year he spoke at length about national service being a centerpiece of his presidency, and while he remains short on specifics, there is much to like in his plan, which he will roll out in a speech later today:
* Encourage national service to address the great challenges of our time, including combating climate change, extending health care, improving our schools and strengthening America overseas.

* Expand AmeriCorps to 250,000 slots and double the size of the Peace Corps.

* Integrate service learning into schools and universities to enable students to graduate college with as many as 17 weeks of service experience under their belts.

* Provide new service opportunities for working Americans and retirees.

* Expand service initiatives that engage disadvantaged young people and advance their education.

* Expand the capacity of nonprofit organizations to innovate and expand successful programs.

* Enable more Americans to serve in the armed forces.
The devil, as they say, is in the details, but Obama at least has some real-world experience as a community organizer on Chicago's South Side and stint heading Project Vote, which his campaign says helped register 150,000 new African American voters in Chicago.


Anonymous said...

In 1968-1969, the national high school debate topic was:
"Resolved, that the United States should adopt a policy of national service by all citizens."
With my intrepid debate partner Tad Barclay, I trained to argue this question from either side. As I remember, The Ripon Society provided huge decks of pre-printed research citation index cards; so Republian "framing" predates Lakoff by quite a bit.

I like the idea of a national service mitzvah merit badge, so to speak.

I think that, to fulfill their mandatory statutory national service, everyone should read Aldo Leopold's A Sand County Almanac once each year until cognition; that's what I think.

Everyone should also read Ursula K. LeGuin's incredible The Dispossessed as a service to themselves. And The Telling couldn't hurt.

Unknown said...

My college required 15 hours of community service per semester in order to graduate and it became a habit that has stuck with me throughout my life.
I think that Obama has a real chance to motivate young people, especially, to get involved in their communities and in their world - to make service a habit and a fact of their lives. I hope that he takes it.