Thursday, July 17, 2008

Meet George Bush: No Sacrifice Too Small

To say that George Bush has abrogated his responsibility to lead is like saying that Mrs. O'Leary just didn't get with the idea that lanterns shouldn't be left within kicking range of cows.

But there was The Decider, the fella who has not asked for one iota of sacrifice when it comes to the Iraq war, that unfortunate dust-up that has filleted the economy and a few thousand American men and women, saying that he will not call on people to conserve gasoline despite the rising price of oil.

Bush elaborated, saying, "You noticed my statement yesterday, I talked about good conservation and — you know, people can figure out whether they need to drive more or less. They can balance their own checkbooks." Well, yes, if there's any money to balance.

More here.

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