Thursday, May 07, 2009

Still Think Rush Doesn't Rule GOP Roost?

On Sunday, GOP wunderkind Eric Cantor said:
"What we're trying to do here today is kick off a series of town hall forums so that we can get back to listening to the people."
On Monday, Limbaugh opined that:
"We do not need a listening tour; we need a teaching tour. That is what the Republican Party, or, slash, the conservative movement needs to focus on. Listening tour ain't it."
Then on Wednesday Cantor betrayed a sudden change of heart:
"You know . . really, this -- this is not a listening tour . . . [it's] an opportunity for us to go out across this country to talk about our conservative principles"

Hat tip to Steve Benen at The Washington Monthly


Reaganite Republican Resistance said...

Yet another attempt at baiting fake conflicts on the right >yawn< in order to divert attention from Obama's habitual dishonesty, shocking disregard for the law, constitution, and/or ethics... and general, all-round incompetency.

Team Obama, the DNC, and their MSM sycophants have been employing despicable Alinsky-esque divide-and-conquer and character assassination techniques for months now… manufacturing synthetic “fights” like Rush vs. Steele, plus ceaseless ridicule of Jindal, Palin, even shameful distortion of the legacy of Ronald Reagan. Clearly, the strategy is to eliminate GOP rallying points and philosophical framework for 2010/12 and create the image of a party in disarray.

And it’s not difficult to see why the Democrats might prefer to banter playfully about made-up GOP “scandals” and irrelevancies like Meghan McCain’s latest drivel than debate Obama’s ongoing destruction of the country.

When their pork-n-welfare spending orgy fails to create any real economic gains -but stokes vicious inflation and crashes the dollar instead- the Democrats face a bloodbath in 2010.

And by 2012? LOL, the GOP could take 40 states running Gilbert Gottfried.

Shaun Mullen said...

You guys have to hit bottom before you can start climbing out of your hole. That hasn't happened yet and isn't about to anytime soon considering the bozos you're trotting out and how little they have to say of substance. I think 2016 or 2020 is a more likely scenario for a Republican comeback.