Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Happy Birthday, Cat

Twenty-four years ago today, Cassidy Clayton Mullen came kicking and screaming into the world.

I know that most parents like to brag on their children, but I believe that Cat is special.
While his taste ran to "The Simpsons" and "Pinky and the Brain" as a youngster, the televised fall of the Berlin Wall in 1991 had a profound effect on the then nine-year-old. He came away from that event believing that world peace is attainable and hasn't budged from that conviction since. In fact, he majored in international relations in college. He also rowed and later coached crew.

The real world intruded shortly after graduation when he had a U.S. State Department internship yanked out from under him because of the expense of a certain war. Undaunted, he plunged ahead. Today this self effacing young man is working long hours for a Washington, D.C., firm, blogging, helping out on some suburban Maryland Democratic campaigns and training for the Marine Corps Marathon.

And making his Old Man look good. And proud.
Special? You bet.

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