Let's Cut Beau Biden A Break, Okay?

Beau Biden, the son of the vice president, is catching major heat in some quarters because of his decision to not run for his father's Senate seat in a special election and concentrate on his duties as Delaware attorney general.
I happen to know a thing or three about Delaware politics being a native son and part-time resident, and I offer the following:
* Biden probably would have lost to popular U.S. Representative Mike Castle, a moderate Republican in a state notorious for ticket splitting. Not the best way to advance one's political career, eh?
* Castle, who is 70 and not in the best of health, in all likelihood will be a one-term senator. Biden will be only 45 when the 2014 election rolls around. (The special election is for a four-year and not six-year term because Ted Kaufman will have filled out the first two years of what would have been Joe Biden's term had Barack Obama not won and has said he would not run for a full term.)
* Much of the flak Biden is catching is because of his contention that it is more important for him to stay on as state AG and be re-elected so he can focus on a major child molestation case. That case, involving a pedophile pediatrician charged with raping nine girl patients from 3 months to 13 years old, has rocked the tiny state. Prosecutors have said the number of victims could surpass 100.
Finally, I don't know about you, but aren't dynasty politics getting a bit old?
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