Friday, October 10, 2008

McCain-Palin Trainwreck Excuse du Jour

First in a series on the best
excuses for the GOP disaster
From Daniel Larison at Eunomia:
"Even among McCain critics, there are some who still insist on coming up with excuses for the former media darling, and they echo the excuses journalists have made for McCain for years: sure, he's lying about this or that, but he's clearly uncomfortable doing it, which proves that he's actually a good guy. More recently, McCain has seemed angrier and grumpier than usual, prompting the same excuses: he doesn't enjoy doing this kind of campaigning, and it shows, which somehow makes it better. This has been the strange ethical standard applied to McCain for as long as I can remember. According to this odd view, if someone is not very proficient at lying and smearing his opponents and gives the impression that even he knows what he's saying is nonsense, that somehow proves that he is honest and decent at heart."
More here.

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