Saturday, March 08, 2008

Quotes From Around the Blogosphere

The new George Bush Presidential Library. More here.

There is something monstrous about a couple so intoxicated with money, power and secrecy and so unencumbered by any ethical constraints that they will do anything, say anything, be anything in order to stay ahead.


A few weeks ago, I started to feel sorry for her. Oh Christ, let her win already...Who cares...It's not worth it. There's not that much difference between them. She can have it. Anything to avoid watching her descend into madness. So I switched. I started rooting for her. It wasn't that hard. Compromise comes easy to me. I was on board.

And then I saw the ad.

I watched, transfixed, as she took the 3 a.m. call . . . and I was afraid . . . very afraid. Suddenly, I realized the last thing this country needs is that woman anywhere near a phone. I don't care if it's 3 a.m. or 10 p.m. or any other time. I don't want her talking to Putin, I don't want her talking to Kim Jong Il, I don't want her talking to my nephew. She needs a long rest. She needs to put on a sarong and some sun block and get away from things for a while, a nice beach somewhere -- somewhere far away, where there are . . . no phones.


This election could be the best thing that's happened to the Democratic Party since 1960, or 1932. The Democratic Party won't destroy itself over Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama unless its noisier members insist it do so. They have nothing to fear except smear itself.


A transparent society only works when the balance of power is equal. In other words, watching the watcher watch you only works if you are able to prevent the watcher from from using what he watched against you indiscriminately. No wonder everybody who isn't on some kind of watch list wants immunity.

-- DEB

South America has had more than its share of border conflicts. Still, it is hard to believe that in the 21st century the democratically elected governments of Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela would be talking about war.


In some quarters, criticizing French actresses for spouting idiotic and mean-hearted anti-American conspiracy theories is considered out-of-bounds on grounds of banality: Like criticizing bunnies for eating grass.

So I won't do it. But do pay attention to the attempt at damage control by the publicist for Marion Cotillard. Clip it and file it away in case you ever get called on to teach a seminar in how to not pour gasoline on a burning building.


Couldn’t we just elect Michelle Obama and get all this crap out of the way?


They are digital gatekeepers, but the father runs an online library and the son is the proprietor of a news whorehouse.

Outing Prince Harry in Afghanistan and showing Barack Obama in Muslim garb are the latest triumphs of "the world's most powerful journalist," as the UK Telegraph now dubs Matt Drudge, stretching the definition of all three words.

In an era when clicks are currency, Robert Drudge's, "Fact Checker for the Internet," is clearly outvalued by his son's millions of links to facts, factoids and junk news from everywhere.


Elections are short-term efforts. Revolutions are long-term projects.


[I]f Clinton insists on waging an all-out war on Barack Obama and convinces the superdelegates that she has so damaged Obama that he can no longer be elected president, and then wins a brokered convention in late August? Well . . . there is simply no way that she can put the party back together again in September and October.


The drug war has ravaged law enforcement too. In cities where police agencies commit the most resources to arresting their way out of their drug problems, the arrest rates for violent crime — murder, rape, aggravated assault — have declined. In Baltimore, where we set The Wire, drug arrests have skyrocketed over the past three decades, yet in that same span, arrest rates for murder have gone from 80% and 90% to half that. Lost in an unwinnable drug war, a new generation of law officers is no longer capable of investigating crime properly, having learned only to make court pay by grabbing cheap, meaningless drug arrests off the nearest corner.

1 comment:

Kit van Cleave said...

I don't know what Callimachus is attempting to do here. There is no "burning building" or any damage control neeeded for Marion Cotillard; the British tabloids' attempt at ruining her has run adrift. It was a non-story; a TV interview done over one year ago, wherein Mlle. Cotillard ruminated about various theories she'd seen in documentaries, and read about. Those who are not fluent in Parisian French and did not themselves see the video had no idea what she did or didn't say. But by the time they gossiped it about like mean girls in high school, it had legs -- for 24 hours. The matter has been put down, like a mad dog, by people who felt it was unfactual, unfair and unprofessional. I'd suggest you take this off your blog; repeating gossip makes you an accomplice.