Friday, August 04, 2006

Politix I: From Shoo-In to Stunning Rout?

I have tried like the dickens to avoid blogging on the Joe Lieberman-Ned Lamont Democratic primary race in Connecticut because so many other bloggers have been in the thrall of this contest between pro-Iraq war incumbent vs. anti-war upstart.

I thought that despite Lieberman's his predilection for kissing President Bush's ass, his liberal credentials were too strong for him to be seriously challenged, but I apparently was wrong.

Reports Political Wire:
The Lieberman campaign in the towns, where the race is fought at the end, is in a full-scale retreat that rivals the French west of the Ardennes. The Washington generals who came in to inspect, organize and deploy the troops with nods and waves have sent word back to Washington that all is lost. The news has shaken cozy beltway types who did not think Connecticut had enough barbarians to defeat one of their favorites. . . .

State Democratic leaders are now trying to figure out how to dissuade Lieberman from carrying on as an independent. The first formal shot should come at a unity press conference on Wednesday. If he wins the night before, Lamont will find himself surrounded by dozens of Democratic leaders now pledged to Lieberman.

No one can see how Lieberman will save himself from a stunning rout on Tuesday and they’ve stopped trying to figure it out.

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