If there
was any question that the Pennsylvania State Police-led manhunt
for cop killer Eric Frein was in big trouble -- indeed, that the trail
for the marksman-survivalist in the northeastern Pennsylvania
woodlands may have gone cold -- a photograph on the front page of the Pocono Record on Monday, the 17th day of the search, betrayed a harsh truth. And now, to make a bad situation worse as the manhunt drags on and state police encounter the first murmurs of public criticism, they find themselves having little choice but to outrage perhaps the most influential constituency in the region -- hunters.
The Pocono Record photograph
showed troopers clad in camouflage and SWAT
team mufti preparing to
search a vacant cabin for Frein. The cabin was not one of
many that dot the woodlands, which already had been searched, but was on a well-traveled state road, not
exactly the kind of place that a crafty, if troubled, 31-year-old charged with criminal homicide who
likes to dress up like a Serbian soldier and play war games would
State police clearly are at the end of their rope -- or nearly
Frein shot and killed state police Corporal
Bryon Dickson and wounded Trooper Alex Douglass on September 12 in a
sniper-style attack in the late evening
darkness as they changed shifts at a barracks in Blooming Grove, a small
Pike County community about 20 miles north northeast of Frein's
parents' house in the village of Canadensis in Monroe County. The self-trained backwoods survivalist crashed his Jeep near Blooming Grove and is believed to have hiked south southwestward through nearly unspoiled forest to an area not far from where his parents live.
police had set themselves up for failure -- or at least a frustratingly
long search -- by taunting Frein in public pronouncements and repeatedly boasting that they were closing in on him. Lieutenant Colonel George Bivens, the lead state police
spokesman, declared at one point that trackers, which include FBI agents, local police and dogs in addition to troopers and number about a thousand officers in all, had confined Frein to
a one-square mile area and had him surrounded.
As the dragnet dragged on, the
area increased to five-square miles and then Bivens' "We know where you
are and we're coming get to you" boasts stopped altogether. Frein has
appeared to be taunting back, hanging an
AK-47-style assault rifle from a tree trunk in plain view that is
believed to be his, while leaving a trail of butts from Serbian
cigarettes and perhaps soiled diapers, as well.
Some 20 days after the murder, the impression grows and has begun to be voiced by a few people in a community that has showed overwhelming support for the state police despite myriad inconveniences caused by their manhunt, including residents being forced to stay away from their homes for days: Had the murder victim been one of them, the manhunt already would have been called off or there would not even have been one.
state police also have struggled to stay on message.
Asked about
rumors that Frein's sister had a relationship with Trooper Douglass,
Bivens initially denied they had "an inappropriate relationship," which
ginned up the rumor mill even more. Bivens later sought to clarify
matters by stating they had not had any kind of a relationship and did not even know one another, but the
impression lingers that despite Frein's well-documented hatred of police in general, he did not pick out Douglass at random
with plenty of other law-enforcement targets closer to home.
And a state police report that Frein had been leaving behind soiled diapers was called into question.
While well-trained snipers wear
diapers because of the many hours they sometimes have to wait for their prey
without moving, area residents well familiar with the many black bears who populate the woodlands, noted that it was not unusual for bears to drag bags with household waste, including soiled diapers, into the woods. This may have prompted a cryptic state police statement released Friday, unusual in and of itself, stating that they would not comment on any possible evidence.
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett has appeared at Dickson's
funeral, a state police press conference and other Frein-related news
events, but that has failed to resuscitate an re-election campaign that
is running on empty because of his slash-and-burn
cuts to the state education budget and lingering questions about
whether he
foot-dragged on the Jerry Sandusky-Penn State sex scandal while attorney
Bivens has said Frein was spotted by trackers at a distance around dusk on the evening of September 22 while
being tracked by dogs, and trackers detonated a flash-bang device. He said a helicopter was overhead but could not follow Frein because of the thick forest canopy, and he was able to slip away. There were unconfirmed reports of another spotting on Monday.
The spokesman has explained the failure of apprehend Frein by noting there are numerous caves in the woodlands, trackers are taking their time clearing them because Frein is considered
armed and dangerous, while there is concern that because two pipe bombs have been found in the search area and because Frein has experimented with explosives in the past, he could have booby-trapped
the area or is capable of another sniper attack.
"I'm calling on you, Eric, to surrender," Biven said at a Tuesday afternoon press conference. "We continue to take your
supplies and weapons stockpiles . . . We are not going anywhere."
There was a certain inevitability that a man accused of killing a cop in cold blood would become a cult hero. There are several Facebook pages in Frein's honor, including one called "Eric Frein Is God," and a rap tribute on YouTube.
The search turned tragicomic on Wednesday night when two state troopers fell 20 feet from a tree stand during the search and were injured. They were flown to a Lehigh Valley hospital, treated and released, which provoked additional criticism because the injuries appeared to be minor.
Frein will have been been apprehended by the time you read this. Or
gunned down while refusing to surrender. Or has taken the coward's way
out by killing himself. Let's hope so.
But the Pennsylvania
State Police historically has been a troubled and scandal-plagued agency
long on boastfulness and short on accomplishments, the most recent
scandal enveloping none other than State Police Superintendent Frank Noonan, who sent and
received hundreds of sexually explicit photos, videos and
messages from his state e-mail account. In other words, pornography. Talk about role models.
Given the state police's history, the failure to find Frein comes as no surprise. Nor does the abysmal coverage of the Pocono Record,
which has been gifted an international story right in its front yard
but has rolled over and allowed out-of-town media to break the big
stories, such as they are, while dutifully kowtowing to the state
police and officialdom, taking everything they have said at face value
with nary a skeptical question asked, let alone published, as it has
become increasing obvious that the massively expensive operation to bring Frein to ground
has been unraveling.
Not a single Record story in the last three weeks has showed the kind of initiative and doggedness that has allowed the Scranton Times-Tribune, Allentown Morning Call, Philadelphia Inquirer, New York Times and the television news networks to run circles around it.
The manhunt could not have come at a worse time for the Poconos.
Monroe County economy crapped out long before the rest of the nation,
and for a while it led all counties nationwide in home foreclosures per
capita. This is because local bigs, not content to try to build the
tourist industry and brand the Poconos as a special place with beautiful
woodlands chockablock with trails, waterfalls, creek and rivers, as
well as golf courses, ski slopes and family friendly resorts, climbed
into bed with rapacious developers and usurious financial institutions
after the 9/11 attacks to sell the Poconos as a safe haven
from a world gone crazy.
(Not surprisingly, although Frein fits the definition to a T, the news media is up to it's usual name-game bull in calling him everything other than what he is -- a terror-freaking-ist, because he is an American and doesn't wear funny clothes and worship a false God.)
Anyhow, people
flocked to the area from the Bronx, Queens and northern New Jersey by
the thousands after 9/11, but the gauzy illusion that the Poconos was some sort of paradise soon
gave way to a harsh reality of which wise locals were all too aware: There was an apathetic political establishment resistant to
reform, many roads and bridges were in atrocious condition, social services were overtaxed, schools ranged from mediocre to poor, rates were well above state county-by-county averages for adult major crime, drunk driving
and vehicular fatalities, an increasingly degraded environment, and stratospherically high local tax rates that have been crushing to all but the relatively few affluent residents.
Many of the homes built for new arrivals were
substandard, many of the people who bought them were marginally solvent
and easy prey for unscrupulous mortgage companies -- and there were no
decent jobs.
post-9/11 promises that a major complex of financial institutions that they dubbed
Wall Street West would be built in the Poconos and long-moribund
passenger rail service would be restored between the region and New
York City were so much hot air.
Virtually the only jobs were and remain minimum
wage -- dishwashers, groundskeepers, chambermaids and burger flippers --
while the commute to and from North Jersey and New York City and
decent paying jobs is a killer; in fact, it is regularly described as the
worst commute in the nation by rating services. Fickle educators went
on a school building binge as a result of the population explosion, but
today some schools have been shuttered and teachers furloughed. A
reverse migration has kicked in as many of the same people who were
lured by false promises have retreated back to where they had come from --
foreclosed on, broke and broken.
the manhunt comes when fall foliage, an attraction for day
trippers and other tourists, is kicking in early because of a dry summer. It promises to be spectacular.
Inn keepers and restaurateurs report lousy to nonexistent business. And don't mind that huge image of Frein, with a smirking mug and Serbian army hat, his inclusion on the FBI's Most
Wanted List duly noted, on a huge electronic billboard at the Delaware River Toll Bridge on Interstate 80, the eastern and most heavily used portal to the Poconos. (There
is nary a peep about the manhunt, let alone the fact that much of the
region remains open for visitors, on the website of the reliably somnambulant Pocono Mountain
Visitors Bureau, the lead tourism agency.)
Then there is the fall hunting season, an annual orgy of wildlife carnage in a gun-crazy region where public schools still close on the first day of
gun deer season and tables, lunch counters and bars at pubs, roadhouses and
diners usually glow hunter orange from the beginning of deer bow season, which opens on Saturday, followed by seasons for deer and elk, squirrel, rabbit and hare, and various wildfowl that run
through to the end of December.
State police initially green-lighted hunting in even the deepest woods once the seasons opened, but on Wednesday the state Game Commission had second thoughts and banned hunting in a huge area in seven townships that is substantially larger than the area where the manhunt is ongoing.
It is hard to imagine a more incompatible mix: Hunters armed to the teeth filling woodlands teeming with state troopers armed to the teeth, but the Game Commission edict has provoked outrage from both casual hunters and hunters who rely on filling their freezers with venison and other game to make it through harsh winters.
"Thank you Pa. Game Commission for making it official, one indignant hunter declared. "The police have been
lying to us about knowing the general area where Frein is. I understand
them closing the area where they claim he is . . . yet they want the game commission to close such a
massive area. I support the police for putting their lives on the
line, but the higher up's are not being honest with the public."
"If anybody should be honest and straightforward with the public it is
the police," said another resident. "I have been supportive of the police from the start, but that
support is wearing thin other than wishing them good luck and safe
reveal how the Pennsylvania State Police, aided and abetted by an
indifferent criminal-justice establishment, blew a high-profile Poconos murder and botched several other murders in my 2010 book, The Bottom
of the Fox: A True Story of Love, Devotion & Cold-Blooded Murder.
The book is available online in trade paperback and Kindle versions
at Amazon and at Barnes & Nobles and other online booksellers.
Photograph from philly.com