
Friday, February 01, 2008

Obama Hits Below the Belt in New Ad

While I've been critical of Barack Obama, especially there being so little substance behind his hope-and-change message, I've been far more critical of Hillary Clinton.

But the Obama campaign's new direct-mail ads (and I’ve gotten three earlier ads compared to none from Clinton or any other candidates) hit below the belt: They intentionally misrepresent Clinton's health-care plan and are a reminder of the also misleading "Harry and Louise" ads aired by the health-care industry that did much to bring down her sweeping 1993 health-care proposal.

The Obama ads claim that everyone will be forced to buy insurance under the Clinton plan even if they can’t afford it, which is plain old fear mongering since her plan offers subsidies to lower-income families and Obama himself has conceded that under his own plan people who don’t buy insurance might have to be penalized.

Memo to Obama: Knock it off!

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