
Monday, April 23, 2007

We Must Go Down to the Sea Again . . .

It's a good day at the beach when there are more dogs than people. It's a bad day at the beach when there is less of it than the year before.

That's the headline from a trip that the Dear Friend & Conscience took on Sunday to our favorite secluded beach. (And no, we're not saying where it is.)

We were sorry to see that a portion of the beach had been lost to a Nor'easter, but what Mother Nature taketh away from this beach, where the dunes are able to move hither and yon without human interference, she will giveth back in the future.

Being April and being the Mid Atlantic coast (okay, there's a hint), it was much too cold to do anything other than get our toesies wet. But the day was gorgeous and the sights, sounds and smells were beyond invigorating.

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