Friday, March 06, 2009

Rush Limbaugh: Chickenhawk Pustule

I am just about played out on this Rush Limbaugh thing, but it is worth noting as a parting shot that the titular head of the Republican Party has something in common with an extraordinary number of other GOP bigs -- he ducked service in Vietnam.

Limbaugh was draft bait after he dropped out of college in 1969, but depending upon which story you believe -- if either -- he got a physical deferment because he had a football injury and/or a cyst on his ass.

The football injury claim does not stand up to scrutiny, while the butt boil problem -- technically a pilonidal cyst -- can be corrected by minor surgery, but Limbaugh apparently believed that serving his country in its hour of need was not sufficiently important.

By the by, among the other chickenhawks who have endlessly question people's patriotism but avoided the Big Muddy are George Bush, Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, Karl Rove, Tom DeLay . . . oh, and Ted Nugent.

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