Thursday, September 11, 2008

Part 3: Still More Revelations About Sarah Palin's Incredible Lightness of Being

In Part One, we learned that Sarah Palin has taken stands opposite John McCain on open government and sex ed, feuds with members of her extended family, lies about little things as well as big things, has never expressed a conviction on a major issue, attends a church where some pretty weird stuff gets preached, as a true-blue Christianist effortlessly mixes religion and politics, and that there is a concerted effort by the McCain campaign to quash an investigation in which she is accused of firing a political enemy.

In Part Two, we learned that Palin billed taxpayers for her kids' meals and incidental expenses while traveling on state business and her hubby also browsed at this trough, she went to extraordinary lengths to hide her most recent pregnancy, played hardball proxy politics from the start, like the Bush administration won't release a bunch of e-mails, is a lot savvier with the media than anyone is letting on, has a tenuous grasp of the economy, and has now struck out in trying to quash that investigation.

And so to Part Three:

With Palin bigfooting across the political landscape, a cry can be heard in the land: "Where's Hillary?" The answer: Doing what she should be doing.

Speaking of which, can Palin be called a feminist?

Speaking of which, is it sexist to talk about Palin's family?

Palin boasts of her hunting background and presumably can tell a moose from a deer. But she has trouble acknowledging that John McCain runs with a certain herd himself.

Apropos of Palin the Mighty Huntress: Which animals would Jesus pay you to shoot from airplanes? And for how much?

Memo to Barry: Stop running against Palin. She ain't worth the effort.

Memo to Johnnie: Palin is not the commander of the Alaska National Guard.

While there are questions about her promotion of the guy who is the commander.

Palin is not just governor of Alaska. She is a de facto member of OPEC.

While the list of books that Palin allegedly wanted banned from the Wasilla public library turned out to be bogus, as is a rumor that she wanted to throw Eskimos on piles of burning books, the library story refuses to die because of the McCain campaign's beyond lame explanation.

Then there's this.

Is Palin populating your dreams these days? Seems to be happening to an awful lot of folks.

Evangelical wingnuttery in the name of The Big Guy is nothing new. But now we have evangelicals demanding that McCain embrace Palin's beliefs.

Palin herself has embraced the Reversible Raincoat.

Early concerns that Palin would screw up if she went out on her own have now been replaced by concerns that McCain is afraid to let go of her.

Records were meant to be broken, right? Well, McCain and Palin are on course to outdo George Bush.

Speaking of forked tongues, is the GOP playing down Palin's religious beliefs?

Now coming to a political rally near you: The Sarah Palin doll. Pull the doll's string and it says four things. And only four things.

Also on offer: The Sarah Palin action figure collection (small photo above).

While there has been a dearth of jokes about Palin not knowing when to shut her mouth (for obvious reasons), a judge in Alaska warned her to stop bad-mouthing her former brother-in-law.

Finally, with Palin scheduled to sit down with ABC News's Charles Gibson, today's may be the final edition of the Cone of Silence Watch.

But if Charlie Boy lobs softballs at Palin, then . . . (cue Jaws music) the Watch will continue.

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