Monday, July 14, 2008

Quotes From Around Yon Blogosphere

Obama has a troubling difficulty being gracious to Clinton. She's pretty clearly inside his head in some deep way (I'd love to know what kind of dreams he has about her).

Barack Obama has told a Hillary supporter he is considering her as a VP candidate but that the choice is "complicated" by her husband's status as a former president.

This was supposed to be the week John McCain unveiled his new campaign, more disciplined and acutely focused on the economy. The goal proved elusive.

How does anyone know what Obama really believes or, even more problematic, what beliefs he'll decide are worth expending political capital on once he's elected?

The only people talking about an indefinite war, folllowed by an indefinite presence, are George W. Bush and John McCain.

It's been a good political week for Obama, but the best news by far is that his upcoming Iraq trip will feature special guest star Chuck Hagel.

We can no longer take cold comfort in the Watergate maxim that the cover-up was worse than the crime.

Perhaps the greatest misconception about Barack Obama is that he is some sort of anti-establishment revolutionary.

The bottom line is that the media in all its forms have very little to chatter about during the dog days of summer aside from speculating on who the VP picks will be.

Is it me, or does it seem that all the Obama campaign has to do lately is stand back and be aided by the dumb gaffes of others?

How far Left do people have to be for the New York Times to call them "far Left"?
Cartoon by Pat Oliphant/Universal Press Syndicate

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