Friday, July 06, 2007

Quotes From Around Yon Blogosphere

The aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawks arrives in Sidney harbor.

Earth to Bloggers: It's time to get over the Scooter Libby commutation and move on, okay? Fear not. There will be other outrages to write about.


The cliché about people gone over the edge used to be thinking they were Napoleon. George Bush, who never falters in his patriotism, is convinced he’s George Washington.

The delusional attempt to impersonate a great military commander is understandable in those who feel overwhelmed by stress and impotent to deal with it.


Lynn Cheney wanted to start a war with China back in the pre-9/11 era. According to Francis Fukuyama among Bill Kristol and his circle in the 90s "There was actually a deliberate search for an enemy because they felt that the Republican Party didn't do as well" in the absence of a pressing foreign threat, and the consensus was that the enemy should be China.

These are crazy people.


Have you heard? Of course you have. It's all over the media. Americans are getting bigger . . . taller and heavier. From planes and trains, skirts to shirts, many of us are being forced to squeeze into spaces that are, quite frankly, not keeping up size-wise.

Now before I go further . . . let me state categorically that this is not an anti or pro-fat post. I have no animosity toward heavy individuals nor desire to see anybody change their lives. Quite the contrary, I'm merely observing a trend and anticipating how it might benefit those of us on the smaller side. . . .

And herein is the point of this little post: I think that it's high time that American companies started dealing with the reality of obesity in America. Sure I'd prefer that we didn't have this problem, but that's not a reason for people to be made miserable when they travel, buy clothes, or seek out health-care. And I'm willing to do my part--selfishly, I'll admit. Would I pay a bit extra for my airline tickets if United gave us all some extra room by removing seats from their planes. You betcha! Would I like to save a little for my insurance company by using the extra-small MRI? Absolutely--keeping in mind that a smaller MRI, with smaller magnets, use less electricity. So maybe I could get a bit of a rate cut?


Homosexual marriage is akin to having two wheels on the left side of the cart and none on the other. Ergo, the cart goes nowhere and contributes nothing, particularly when one of the lefthand wheels keeps going off seeking other carts.


Photograph by The Associated Press

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Shaun...thanks for the mention.