
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How Many White Guys Does It Take . . .

. . . to belabor the obvious, tell you what you already know and make asses of themselves?

A dozen or so each Sunday morning on NBC's Meet the Press, ABC's This Week, CBS' Face the Nation, and Fox Broadcasting Co.'s Fox News Sunday.

Reports Media Matters:
"A breakdown of the guests who appeared on the Sunday shows in 2005 and 2006 shows that men dominate these shows. In fact, men outnumber women by a 4-to-1 ratio on average. The divide is even starker when it comes to race/ethnicity: On average, there were nearly seven white guests for every guest of any other race/ethnicity. On Meet the Press and Face the Nation, there were nearly nine white guests for every guest of another race/ethnicity.
This is a most excellent example of playing to your audience -- since the vast majority of the people who watch these gabfests are reflective of the gabbers.

More here.

1 comment:

  1. You're so right on this point:

    This is a most excellent example of playing to your audience -- since the vast majority of the people who watch these gabfests are reflective of the gabbers.

    I haven't sat and watched the news and morning shows for years. Sometimes I'll play it in the background, but there was a time when I actively watched. After a few years of that, I realized if here was something important going on in the world, I would not find it on these shows, and turned my attention more fully to the Internet. Thank goodness for all the brave bloggers, crying in the wilderness about things that actually matter. Thank god they're not all Republican white males too. I've heard enough from them to last two lifetimes.
