Tuesday, March 06, 2007

10 Random Observations on the Libby Trial

(10.) The relationship between some big-name reporters and Bush administration insiders gives fresh meaning to the term incest.

The damage wrought by the Bush administration’s divide-and-govern tactics is immense.

(8.) If the White House had initiated its purge of U.S. attorneys earlier, it wouldn’t have been embarrassed by Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald.

(7.) How Karl Rove escaped indictment remains the biggest mystery of the entire affair.

(6.) The next biggest mystery is whether investigators will explore further whether Vice President Cheney conspired to obstruct justice.

(5.) Libby’s conduct was not only not unusual, it was the norm in an administration where an extraordinary 11 officials have been convicted, indicted or pled guilty, and 16 have resigned because they were under investigation.

(4.) Bloggers covered the trial better than the mainstream media.

In a White House that values loyalty above all else, you’re still disposable.

Libby would not be practicing doing the frog walk had his boss not insisted in punishing a former diplomat who put the lie to one of the administration’s key justifications for going to war and outting his CIA agent wife.

It’s okay to lie. Just don’t get caught.

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