
Friday, November 24, 2006

Fire, Fire, Fire, Raging All About

Members of NYFD Ladder 120/Engine 231 and their dog, Tiller
Like many a kid, I was fascinated with firetrucks and firefighters. I still am and sometimes stop by a firehouse near Kiko's House on my bike rides to have a chat with the men and women (yes, women) who are washing the trucks or just hanging out.

Popular Mechanics has a nifty article on the firefighters at the Watkins Street firehouse in Brooklyn, one of New York City's busiest with more than 4,200 runs a year.

Click here.


  1. As a kid I had the record fo the song, "Fire, Fire, Fire, Raging All About". I still remember the tune & lyrics. Anyone have more info on the song?

    1. I actually still have the record!

    2. Anonymous3:05 PM

      What is the name of the song?

  2. Beats me, and the only Google reference is to this post (!!!).

  3. I got a some memories seeing those pictures because my best friend belonged to the firemen it was so perfect because he rescued many lives.

  4. Fire, fire, fire, raging all about, here come the firemen to put the fire out. Hook and ladder, get that hose..."

    Can't remember the rest. Wish we could track it down.

  5. Anonymous8:23 AM

    This is what my 79 yo mother remembers. I used to listen to it as a young child.
    Fire fire fire raging all about
    Here come the firemen to put the fire out
    They leap into their coats and boots
    And slide down poles in one big scoot
    Hook and ladder rubber hose.....

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      What is the name of the song? I can’t remember!

  6. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I found more lyrics and a link to here the song.

    Fire fire fire
    Here the people shout
    Where are the firemen to put the fire out
    They leap into their hats and boots
    And slide down poles with one big scoot
    They board their engine
    Off it goes
    With hook and ladder rubber hose
    They pass us by so very fast
    We’ve hardly to gaze
    Their big bells clang
    Make way for us
    To fight the roaring blaze

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      What’s the name of the song?

  7. Anonymous9:07 AM

    This has a correction. Also the link is to "hear" the song.

    Fire fire fire
    Here the people shout
    Where are the firemen to put the fire out
    They leap into their hats and boots
    And slide down poles with one big scoot
    They board their engine
    Off it goes
    With hook and ladder rubber hose
    They pass us by so very fast
    We’ve hardly time to gaze
    Their big bells clang
    Make way for us
    To fight the roaring blaze

  8. Fabulous post! You have given us some interesting points on. This is a wonderful article and surely worth reading. thanks for your efforts..nice!

  9. Marty Kremer4:13 PM

    It was a 45rpm record (I think) and the odd thing was that the B side was the Badinerie for flute from J.S. Bach's 2nd Orchestral Suite. We wore both sides out.

  10. We used to have this record, too. It was part of a larger collection of 78 rpm recordings for kids, a club my mother subscribed to for us.

    I remember "On Top of Old Smokey" was one, "Big Top Candy Mountain" another. God only knows what happened to our whole collection.

    Thank you so much for the mp3. My grandson is obsessed with firemen and policemen, and I've been singing to him the only parts of this song that I remember. Now I can play him the actual song. Yay. Thank you!!!


  11. Found more lyrics on another site. I believe the man singing it is named Tom, cannot recall the last name.

    Fire, fire, fire, raging all about,
    Where are the firemen to put the fire out?
    They climb into their hats and boots,
    And slide down poles with one big chute--
    They board their engine, off it goes
    With hook and ladder, rubber hose.
    They pass us by so very fast,
    We’ve hardly time to gaze--
    Their big bells clang
    Make way for us
    To fight the roaring blaze

    Fire, fire, fire raging all about,
    Here are the firemen to put the fire out.
    They scale their ladder, squirt their hoses,
    Smoke gets in their eyes and noses,
    Pour the water in each nook,
    And smash through flame with axe and hook.

    No more fire, raging all about,
    There go the firemen who put the fire out.
    Then home they go when the fire is out
    And people sing their praise--
    And big bells clang "make way for us
    Who fought the roaring blaze!"
    No more fire, raging all about,
    There go the firemen who put the fire out!


  12. B. Kuhl6:03 PM

    Fire, fire, fire was on an record of children's songs sung by Groucho Marx. There was the Animal Song, also a song about helping people with a line that went "help an old lady cross the street", and another with lyrics "I love to ride my bicycle". I think it was a red plastic record.

  13. Chip chip the flint
    For arrows sharp and true,
    Chip chip the flint,
    Like our fathers taught us to.

    Chip chip the flint
    Make our arrows fly,
    Chip chip the flint
    For indian braves must hunt or die.

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