
Thursday, July 27, 2006

Chris Matthews Melts Down

A funny thing happens to TV news talk show blabbermouths when they finally screw up the courage to speak their mind -- in this case Chris Matthews of MSNBC's "Harball." The truth comes tumbling out.

The Dear Friend & Conscience caught a phone-in interview with Matthews with Don "Imus In The Morning" Imus and the lad was spitting nails.

Some excerpts:
It's all ideology with this crowd. All they care about is ideology. The President bought it, hook, line and sinker. He had it . . . it was just put into his head sometime after 9/11, and this philosophy is what was given him. He didn't have any philosophy when he went in, and they handed it to him, these guys with . . . you know, the guys you used to make fun of at school, pencilnecks, the intellectuals, the guys you never trusted. All of a sudden, he trusted the intellectuals, the guys he knew at school. They're a bunch of pencilnecks, and now he buys completely their ideology, because he didn't have one of his own coming in. That was his problem. I don't know what Bush stood for, except I'm a cool guy and Gore isn't. And that was our problem. We elected a guy because he was a little cooler than the other guy.

* * * * *
The Vice President, you notice how he hides during difficult times? He's in his bunker, he's in an undisclosed location. Where's Cheney in all this? He just fades every time something happens.
* * * * *
I think the next president's got to be stronger and smarter than this one, and I think . . . every election we have in this country, we try to solve the current problem. With Clinton, it was Monica, so we brought a guy who went to bed with his wife at 9:30 every night, and who's kind of regular. And the time before that, we wanted somebody . . . we picked Clinton, because he'd focus on domestic, and George Bush Sr. was focusing on a new world order. Or Jimmy Carter was weak, so we brought in Reagan. We brought in Jimmy Carter, because he was clean after Nixon and Ford. We're always trying to solve the current problem. We've got to step back and say well, what's the bigger picture?
To read the entire transcript or hear the interview, go here.

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