
Friday, June 09, 2006

When Is Free Expensive?

When is free expensive? When Blogger, which is Google's free blogging service, coughs up a big hairball and denies visitors to Kiko's House access during our busiest time of the day.

That's what happened for much of Thursday and we apologize. The outage was especially frustrating because we looked like smacked asses for not updating our initial post on the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi as new developments came fast and furious during the day.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:52 AM

    It's worse than that because your blog, which has worked just fine in the past, now locks up my Internet Explorer (or slows it to a crawl), something that happens to me about twice a year, and that only with questionable sites. And it's no better today than it was yesterday.

    Regards, Mark

    (I don't really need to be anonymous; I just don't want one more login and password...)
