Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A Visit to Kosestan

I stopped reading The Daily Kos, the hugely popular liberal blog, a while ago because it's so predictable. Which is to say b-o-r-i-n-g.

But Ann Marie Cox has written a piece for Time magazine on the blogmeister Markos Moulitsas Zuniga that contains a line so true and funny that is has to be posted here for the benefit of Kiko's House readers:
The left lacks many telegenic spokespeople, [Zuniga] says, "It's the difference between the Fox News anchors — you know, blond, put-together — and our people. It's like, 'You know, lady, put on a bra. Would it kill you to put on a bra?'" Moulistas is sponsoring a media training session at Yearly Kos; one can only hope that Maidenform is on the agenda.

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