Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Remembering Bobby

I suppose it is a function of the gentle slide into one's dotage that the dotee finds himself exclaiming "Has it really been that long?" with increasing frequency.

So when the Highway Scribe emailed me from sunny SoCal to let me know that he had posted a piece at HighwayScribery on the 38th anniversary of Robert F. Kennedy's assassination, I exclaimed . . . well, you know.

I came of age when the Kennedy family was at its peak as a political dynasty. I worked in JFK's presidential campaign as a young teenager, was a cub reporter when RFK went down and a somewhat seasoned police reporter when brother Teddy drove off the bridge at Chappaquiddick.
I always thought that Bobby was the brightest star in the Kennedy firmament. How sad that we never had an opportunity to see what he might have accomplished.
Anyhow, the Scribe's remembrance. is well worth reading.

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